Statement From Governor Kathy Hochul on Judge Jonathan Lippman's Review of Antisemitism and Antidiscrimination Policies at CUNY

Following a Surge in Campus Antisemitism, Governor Hochul Tapped Judge Lippman To Conduct a Comprehensive Review of CUNY's Antisemitism and Antidiscrimination Policies.

“My top priority as Governor has always been to ensure the safety and security of every New Yorker, and right now, too many students at our colleges and universities do not feel safe. Let me be clear: we will not tolerate threats of antisemitism or hate of any kind. Every New Yorker must be free to live, learn and worship without fear of harassment or violence.

"Even before the horrific terror attacks of October 7th, New York has been actively fighting hate — with acts such as releasing America’s first-ever statewide plan to combat antisemitism and funding security for institutions at risk of hate-fueled attacks. I changed the bail laws to crack down on hate crimes and deployed additional State personnel to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. As the tragic anniversary of the October 7th attacks approaches, we will be announcing additional resources to ensure the safety and well-being of all New Yorkers.

“I want to thank Judge Jonathan Lippman for his work to produce a comprehensive report on antisemitism and antidiscrimination policies at CUNY. Hate on campus has surged nationwide over the past year, and we needed a candid review of how best to protect our students. After reviewing Judge Lippman’s report, I have directed CUNY to implement his 13 recommendations, which I believe will make a significant impact in preventing and addressing future incidents. My expectation is that CUNY will enact these recommendations, and they have already taken initial steps to address the Judge’s findings. I encourage every college and university in New York State to review Judge Lippman’s recommendations as a guide to help ensure that their campus community is a welcoming and safe place for people of every faith and background.”

Governor Hochul tapped Judge Lippman to conduct a comprehensive review of CUNY’s antisemitism and antidiscrimination policies last October following a surge in hate and bias incidents in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks. Judge Lippman delivered a 13-point action plan for CUNY to implement immediately to address antisemitism and other forms of discrimination or hate on campuses and protect Jewish students and faculty:

Centralize resources for dealing with discrimination by creating a University-wide center to address antisemitism and other forms of hate and instituting an internal antisemitism and hate monitor.

Overhaul CUNY’s university-wide discrimination and retaliation reporting portal to better support individuals lodging complaints of antisemitism and discrimination.

Help victims of antisemitism and discrimination navigate the investigative process and identify available resources by establishing a centralized Victim's Advocate program.

Coordinate with law enforcement and security experts to establish standardized safety protocols to help protect everyone and ensure all individuals feel safe on CUNY campuses.

Provide guidance and training for campus chief diversity officers and others who are responsible for investigating antisemitism and discrimination allegations and implement a system of investigation oversight.

Use the principles of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism as a guide to help determine what may constitute antisemitism, in line with Governor Hochul’s 2022 proclamation identifying the IHRA definition as a valuable tool.

Ensure all those at CUNY, including campus leadership and chief diversity officers, use the law as a guide when handling incidents of antisemitism on campus, regardless of personal views of what constitutes antisemitism.

Update current policies and procedures to ensure they provide uniform and clear guidance to address modern incidents of antisemitism and other forms of hate, including the use of social media; train students, faculty and staff on these policies; and consistently review and update these policies in the future to ensure they do not become out of date.

Consistently hold students and faculty accountable for conduct violating CUNY's policies and procedures through instituting new clear protocols. Draft and adopt a Comprehensive Policy on Freedom of Speech and Expressive Conduct, including clear rules for time, place and manner of expressive conduct on campuses, consistent with the First Amendment. Encourage leadership to lead by example and speak out forcefully against antisemitism and any form of hate, even when it may not directly violate the law or CUNY’s policies. Increase efforts to train and recruit faculty and staff who consistently encourage and promote inclusivity, constructive dialogue and tolerance. Promote dialogue among people holding different viewpoints and create additional joint programming.

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