Senator Samra Brouk announced the funding of $2.2 million dollars to Willow Domestic Violence Center

ROCHESTER, NY - Senator Samra Brouk and Assemblymember Sarah Clark announced the funding of $2.2 million dollars to Willow Domestic Violence Center, and $2 million dollars to The Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester (formerly known as Bivona Child Advocacy Center), for a joint award of $4.2 million dollars in capital grant funds to establish the Family Justice Center at Skyview on the Ridge.

The new facility is slated to open in fall 2025.

This funding will allow for the full integration of adult and child services, support a co-location of both organizations at Skyview on the Ridge, and empower residents to more easily access services.

The Family Justice Center, with its central location and proximity to a public transit hub, will make it easier for individuals struggling with domestic violence or abuse to seek the compassionate care they deserve.

Willow Domestic Violence Center and Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester have a long history of working together as partners in preventing and handling domestic violence cases for children and families.  The Child Advocacy Center has implemented the core structure and model that Family Justice Centers have adapted for work in domestic violence.

This funding will help these organizations to scale up and meet the needs of the community for domestic violence and child advocacy center services, and will include dedicated space at the Center, security, medical exam rooms, and trauma-sensitive shared spaces focused on safety and healing for the survivors, their children and their pets.

This funding is coming at a critical time, and is needed now more than ever. According to Willow reports from 2022, Monroe County rates of domestic violence are 1.4 times the statewide rate, excluding NYC, The city of Rochester rates are 2.7 times the statewide rate, and had 3 domestic violence homicides. According to The Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester, approximately 5 children die every day because of child abuse. 1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18.

These statistics echo the report from State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli from the same year, which states that the number of domestic violence victims from 2019 to 2022 by 8.7%.

A report from the National Children's Alliance says that 600,000 children are abused each year in the U.S, with an additional report from the National Institutes of Health that approximately one in four children experience child abuse or neglect in their lifetime. 

Senator Samra Brouk: “This is a historic moment for the greater Rochester community. The Family Justice Center will serve as a safe, public facing home for families, women, and children and allow for the full integration of adult and child services. With this partnership, Willow Domestic Violence Center and the Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester will serve up to ten times more individuals in need. As a champion for family, women and children and a member of the Children and Families Committee, I take seriously the need to invest in serving our most vulnerable community members. With the first-ever Family Justice Center in Rochester, we are sending a clear message to all individuals suffering domestic violence or abuse: you matter, you are welcome, and we are going to help you.”

Assemblymember Sarah Clark: “Today's announcement of the new Family Justice Center here in the heart of our community is a game changer for the Greater Rochester area. Willow Domestic Violence Center and the Center for Child Advocacy of Greater Rochester are vital partners working to end domestic violence and child abuse while also supporting the needs of survivors to rebuild and heal. With their combined resources and the services provided at the new Family Justice Center, these two incredible organizations will be able to address the needs of even more families and disrupt the cycles of violence to help build a thriving community. I am grateful for the leadership of these two organizations and am proud to support this momentous next step in service to our children and families.”

Assemblymember Jen Lunsford: "Victims of abuse stay with their abusers when they feel like they don’t have any other support. That’s why we need to remove the barriers that stand between victims and the comprehensive, compassionate care they need. Today we are building a bridge to a healthy, safe and bright future free of fear. I am proud to join my colleagues in celebrating the co-location of two of our region's greatest victims advocacy agencies, Willow and the Center for Child Advocacy of Greater Rochester. This funding from the state will help make this dream a reality and begin to heal the deep wounds in our community which have broken too many families. These organizations are invaluable resources to children and families in Monroe County, and serve as a beacon of hope for people who need it.”

Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins: “Those who have survived domestic violence deserve access to all available resources and protections on their path to recovery. I am proud of the Senate Majority's efforts to eliminate barriers that discourage individuals from seeking the essential services they need. I commend Senator Brouk for her steadfast advocacy in securing these services for her community. With this $4.2 million investment in the Willow Domestic Violence Center and The Child Advocacy Center of Greater Rochester, we are bringing the Family Justice Center to life—a place that will provide a safe haven and comprehensive support for those in need.”

Speaker of the New York State Assembly Carl Heastie:  “The Assembly Majority is committed to providing New York’s families the services and resources they need to begin healing from trauma and violence. Assemblymember Clark fought tirelessly for this funding in the budget that will ensure Rochester remains at the forefront of advocating and supporting survivors.”

Meaghan de Chateauvieux, Willow President & CEO : "The launch of Monroe County’s first Family Justice Center at SkyView on the Ridge will transform how we respond to domestic violence in our community. This project is the result of two years of planning and collaboration with dozens of stakeholders and is deeply rooted in our community’s enduring partnerships - it’s truly a survivor-driven initiative. Our dream to offer these life-saving services in a more public and comprehensive way is now becoming a reality, thanks to the incredible support of Senator Brouk and Assemblywoman Clark.”

Dr. Daniele Lyman-Torres, President/ CEO of CACGROC: “We thank our state leaders for prioritizing the safety of children and families who have experienced the trauma of abuse. Breaking cycles of violence and trauma can allow our community to thrive. Having the Family Justice Center co-located with The Child Advocacy Center will bring services together for survivors of trauma and abuse, allowing the children and families the chance to address their individual needs from one location, while fostering a community of support for survivors that endure long after a crisis has passed. We are grateful to our state leaders for making this happen for our community”

If you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic violence, please call Willow Domestic Violence Center’s Hotline at 585-222-SAFE (585-222-7233).

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